sewage outlet standard


1 محیط زیست و منابع طبیعی:: استاندارد خروجی فاضلاب

2) Sewage Outlet Standard (including discharge into surface water, discharge into absorbent wells and agricultural and irrigation usage), and Especially, it should monitor the parameter of sewage outlet standards to compare and identify the location of pollution source. Water Treatment Plant To be determined for the purpose but normally it refers to "Sewage Outlet Standard" Sewage Outlet Standard Even the water quality of the treated wastewater is much worse than the standards value, probably because the current Iranian Sewage Outlet Standards allow lower quality. To prevent from river water pollution under the Iranian regulation by current Sewage Outlet Standards, it is possibility to establish a local ordinance for Tehran of more stringent sewage outlet water quality that meets the target water quality at least.

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